PT. Sarana Mulya Logistik sudah memiliki perizinan domestik yang lengkap seperti ISO 9001, ISO 45001, asperindo, kominfo, dan SIUJPT.

PT. Sarana Mulya Logistik mengganti sesuai kerusakan/kehilangan hingga 99,001%.

PT. Sarana Mulya Logistik menyediakan pick up time and delivery pada office hour tepatnya pada jam 9:00 s/d 17:00 WIB atau dapat melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak internal (customize).

Untuk coverage Kota +/-: 4 - 7 hari
Untuk kota kabupaten +/-: 14 - 20 hari
Dangerous Goods Class 1 : Explosive stuff
Fireworks, Ammunition/cartridges, Airbag inflators, TNT compositions, Flares, Suar, Bom.
Dangerous Goods Class 2 : Compressed gas, flammable if pressed/volatile
Aerosol, Gas Cylinder (filled), Silicon, Fire Stop, Nail Polish, Gas CO2, Butane, Hydrogen.
Dangerous Goods Class 3 : Flammable liquid
Glue, Perfume, Paint Cans, Oil, Sanpoly, Toner, Gasoline gauge.
Dangerous Goods Class 4 : Flammable solids
Alkali metals, Alumunium phosephide, Carbon, Camphor, Oily fabrics, Sulfur, Matches.
Dangerous Goods Class 5 : Goods that easily produce O2
Organic peroxides, Oxidizing substances.
Dangerous Goods Class 6 : Toxic gases, Infectious substances
Pesticide, Toner Powder, Insecticide.
Dangerous Goods Class 7 : Radioactive material
Radioactive materials.
Dangerous Goods Class 8 : Corrosive
Corrosive Liquids, Crust cleaning liquid.
Dangerous Goods Class 9 : Substances and other dangerous goods
Battery, Empty Tank, Emergency Battery, Laptop Battery, Power Bank, Dry Accu, Laptop, Insecticide, Zippo, Digital Scale, Mic, Dinamo, Cylinder head, Magnet, Lithium Battery.
Human Remains
Dry Foodstuff
Live Animal
Goods that fall into the category of narcotics and illegal drugs such as marijuana, morphine, opium, shabu-shabu, putau, ecstasy, and the others
Items with pornographic elements in the form of prints, photos, recordings, films, and the like, including other publications prohibited by the Government
Other items that can endanger security and safety during transportation

Your trust Is Our Mission

Bagian dari kesuksesan kami berasal dari moto kami "Your Trust is Our Mission". Motto ini telah menjadi DNA dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari dimana kami selalu berusaha untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik dan bertanggung jawab kepada semua pelanggan kami.